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what are the benefit of Banana???

benefit of Banana..

Everyone loves banana because its easy to eat and tastes pleasurable, but now auxiliary research confirms its afterward gigantic for your heart and reduces the chances of cardiovascular problems.

Our kidney works gone than equilibrium of potassium and sodium. Potassium is responsible to drawing nebulous into kidney even though sodium helps to save it within our body. But the accumulation unhygienic eating trend has resulted in too much sodium and lack of potassium resulting in blood pressure problems.

Banana is affluent in potassium, one single banana contains 10% of your daily requirement of 4,700 mg. So banana balances the equilibrium to control your blood pressure. National Academy of Sciences also claimed that banana reduces the blood pressure and prevents heart strokes.
Food and Drug Administration of United States (USA) also recommends fruits which are plentiful in fiber because it reduces the risk of heart linked problems and banana is full of beans in fiber.

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