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Benefits Of Tamarind (Imli) On Our Health

Benefits Of Tamarind (Imli) On Our Health

Tamarind which is commonly as Imli in Pakistan and India is widely used in oscillate dishes because of its amazing taste. It is as well as used to prepare stand-in types of sauces to metaphor the taste of gifted spicy taste.

1) In Indian Ayuverdic medicine it is used for treating gastric and digestive problems.
2) Imli is acidic which helps in treating bilious disorders.
3) It makes heart healthier by lowering the bad cholesterol level in blood.
4) Tamarind leaves are used to prepare herbal tea, which is believed to be delightful for malaria fever.
5) In old-fashioned-fashioned Indian medicine its seeds were used as eye drops to treat swing eye problems.

It is affluent in nutrients and each 100 grams contains:

Calories  239
Carbohydrates  62.5 gm
Protein  2.8 gm
Phosphorus  113 mg
Fat  0.6 gm
Vitamin C  2 mg
Iron  2.8 mg
Calcium  74 mg

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