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Karachi University (KU) Students Develop A Device For Heart Patients

Karachi University (KU) Students Develop A Device For Heart Patients

Students from Karachi University (KU) have expected a device for patients of cardiovascular diseases which may save thousands of computer graphics each year.

The prototype of the device monitors heart beats and can send messages to the associates members, ambulance abet and doctor if there is any anomaly in the heart rates.

Each year 111,367 people die from cardiovascular diseases, which is 10% of unbending death in Pakistan. This device if launched will save thousands of vibrancy.
The PhD students are subsidiary on the go going concerning for the prototype hence that it may after that check the blood pressure regularly. If the blood pressure becomes high or heated the dangerous level the person, intimates members or any choice person related through GSM will be informed.

This was a result of avant-garde students from Dr Panjwani Centre for Molecular Medicine and Drug Research (PCMD), they in addition to won the first prize in Innovations, Collaboration and Entrepreneurship which was held in Islamabad.

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