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Coca Cola High Sugar Level Causes Diabetes

Coca Cola High Sugar Level Causes Diabetes

Each daylight 1.8 billion bottles of Coca cola are sold making it the most common cool beverage brand in the world. But obtain you know how harmful it is for your health?

The unhealthiest aspect of coca cola is the tall level of sugar it contains. Each 250 ml bottle of coca-cola contains 5 tablespoon of sugar which is in the distance above declared for a beverage.

Higher intake of sugar results in diabetes which kills 1.5 million twelve-monthly. And all yet again again again 2.2 million people die from progressive glucose level in blood, this indicated how dangerous Coca Cola is for our health.
Many people think that 5 tablespoon of sugar is pleasurable but the maximum amount of sugar that a man can intake daily is 9 tablespoons. So drinking one bottle of coke means absorbing 60% of your daily sugar quota.

Also Read: Coca Cola & Pepsi Contains Alcohol

Your biscuits, tea, snacks all contain sugar, so how can anyone remain out cold the prescribe amount of sugar even if drinking detached drinks? To be honest it is not realizable.

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